fight aging

dr. axe:hey guys, dr. josh axe here with jordanrubin. welcome to ancient medicine today. today, we’re going to be talking about anti-agingand eight unexpected things that you may be exposing yourself to that are causing youto age faster. so jordan, a lot of people today, i know you’veseen this before, somebody who was in their

fight aging, 70s but they look like they were 40. i mean, they were just so vibrant and young. but other people who are maybe in their 30sor 40s but look like they were 60. what causes that, somebody to look like theyage faster versus somebody who’s much older

but they just look so young and vibrant? jordan:well, i can tell you multiple occasionswhere two people are together that are friends and someone will say to them “your daughter”or “your son.” i was with somebody who is younger than meand a gentleman who is older than i was, said, “well, you know, our age.” like in other words saying that the personthat i was with was a decade or two older. so it happens very frequently. and we’ve been trying to find the fountainof youth for a long time, the secrets to anti-aging. but today we want to talk to you about theunexpected elements, whether they’re in

your diet or your environment that are makingyou age faster. so if you want to do something great for yourfriend or loved one, send them this information but do it carefully. it’s kind of hard to send a link to a videothat tells you how to lose weight or to stop aging so fast. you’ve got to be a little delicate withthat because you’re sort of making a statement there, right? dr. axe:yeah. more people need to know, though, what’scause them to age.

i know that, again, this is something i woulddefinitely share with my mom or dad letting them know, “hey, dad, stop eating all theice cream or all of the whatever,” and definitely sharing that information. all right we’re going to give some of youguys a shout out . . . jordan:that means i have to stop eating icecream? dr. axe:well, no, you eat a coconut milk cashewice cream, so i think you’re good to go. all right, melanie giles is watching in lasvegas, nevada. melanie, hey, thanks for joining us here today. we have nancy [inaudible 00:02:00] who justshared this, thanks for being on mission with

us nancy. she’s from bc, canada. diane kenton from saskatoon, saskatchewan,canada. terry mac is watching from paris, texas. hey, terry, thanks for joining us here today. dave kat says, “hard to believe you guysare 70. you look like you’re in your 30s.” thanks dave. jordan:all right, i’m in 30s, that’s awesome.

dr. axe:dee red says hi from pickerington,ontario. sean kerry says hi from toronto, california. hey, sean, thanks for joining us here today. jordan:we’ve got paris, texas, toronto,california, it’s an international audience. dr. axe:it is. and then brenda smith says hi from bedford,kentucky. all right, hey, thanks for joining us guys. all right, we’re going to dive right inand talk about eight unexpected things that are causing you to age faster than you mightrealize.

and jordan, one of those things, this bringsme back to seinfeld episode when kramer is smoking all those cigars and it ages his skin,remember that? jordan:yes, absolutely. and it reminds me of an episode when theywere watching the super terrific happy hour where jerry got those checks for a coupleof pennies. anyway, don’t get us started. watching seinfeld probably makes you youngerbecause you laugh. dr. axe:oh, yeah. jordan:well, we didn’t talk about that butwatching tv, for a lot of reasons, can make

you age. i remember my grandmother used to say, “i’mwatching the good news.” and she would do it sort of as a joke becausethe news is awful. watching tv is definitely not good for yourhealth. it really combines a lot of things were goingto talk about that cause you to age. dr. axe:the news is special. jordan:yeah, the news. your eyes, and then really i think watchingtv, particularly if you’re watching advertisements for junk food, cause you to age just becauseit really puts messages in your brain about

that. and even, this is kind of crazy but the lastthing you watch at night often triggers dreams and, if you have bad dreams, that’s notgood for you either. so anyway, watching tv, folks, can be linkedto poor grades, poor communication skills, poor job performance, and aging. so don’t watch as much tv, especially thoseinfomercials about those creams that is supposed to make you look younger. dr. axe:oh, yeah, totally agree. all right, next one here, chronic sitting.

now this is a big one. we wouldn’t think that sitting makes usage but remember, the more you move, the more circulation you have, you’re getting morenutrients out to your body. if you are sitting chronically a few thingshappen. one, of course, is what i just mentioned,that lack of movement and circulation in your body which causes you to age. the other one is poor posture. and a lot of us sit on chairs. we’re not meant to be sitting on that, specifically,most of our chairs are actually too low.

and what that does is that can put a lot ofstress on the discs in our low back and if anything causes you to age, it’s if youhave a spinal problem. you’ll see that as many people started toage, they start to get a condition known as kyphosis where there’s a lot of roundingat the back. people can even develop a hump at the baseof their neck. and that kyphosis actually shuts off nervesupply or energy to your lungs. it actually causes your spinal vertebra tostart to lay down more bone and degenerate because it’s a less stable structure. but chronic sitting as well causes somethingcalled forward head posture and actually strains

your overall spinal cord, so really that canaffect the way that your entire body functions. so a good replacement for that, you can getone of those medicine balls and sit on it. jordan:yes. dr. axe:it’s a good replacement. or get a standing desk is another good option. or have a higher desk where you’re on astool and then every hour or so move around for a couple of minutes there as well. we used to do that in my office, jordan. we would do our team huddle in the morningwhen i had my clinic.

before we got started we would all sprintin place for two minutes and then go ahead and we just got our energy up. but anyways move, sit less, get a standingdesk, or sit on a stability ball, all of those things can help you anti-age. jordan:i would also say, and we’re goingto talk about this later, but anything that you can do to reverse gravity, jumping ona trampoline or mini trampoline is great. not enough exercise, pick up a trampoline. folks, we need to exercise an hour a day. and part of the problem is we’re sittingso much, we’re not walking like we once

did. and our ancestors used to walk all the time. in fact, they were always busy. they would recline only occasionally, so weneed an hour a day of exercise, folks. you know what’s interesting, josh, thattoday everyone watching probably knows a few people who exercise an hour a day and thinkthey’re just wackos. jordan:most of us don’t do it, even kids. so try to exercise for an hour a day. i exercise right at an hour a day.

today was only 30 minutes here and stayingin a traveling, staying in a smaller room and i was trying to do some of my routinesand i think i kicked the nightstand and hurt my heel, anyway, but try to exercise. and here’s what i tell people. it doesn’t have to be a major deal withthe gym, just do something even if you do knee bends, even if you do something with,you mentioned a medicine ball, mini trampoline, walk briskly and fully extend your gluts. we all do the shortest kind of walk but youcan get an exercise from walking. that’s why they have those shoes that weresupposed to build your legs and you gluts

because it gets you to sort of hyperextendbut we’ve got to exercise more. i know it’s clich㩠but it is anti-agingin a bottle. actually we have a question here, jordan,from luis, “how old are you guys?” well, i’m 35. jordan:i’m 41. dr. axe:so there you go, question answered. all right, let’s see here . . . jordan:we’re both married by the way. dr. axe:we got a question here from nazarenemersa, she’s watching from london, england.

hey, thanks for joining us here today. i appreciate you guys who are all here. and donna diaz is watching from colorado springs,colorado, and mary egbert says, “you guys are looking good.” awesome mary, hey, thanks so much. jordan:it’s all the makeup we put on backstage. jordan:there’s no stage, but you know whati’m saying. dr. axe:all right, so added sugars to thediet. this is one of the fastest things that willcause you to age.

i mean, sugar causes a lot of oxidative stressand oxidative damage on our bodies which really sort of eats up your body’s antioxidants. it depletes your body of antioxidants andwill absolutely cause you to age faster. so you know, jordan, and i are not typicallyon this big “all sugar is bad” crusade because there are some people out there sayingyou should never have any type of sugar. in fact, forego all fruit, forego all honey. and we believe that in small amounts in foodform, eating blueberries and raspberries and figs and a little bit of raw honey or manukahoney on occasion can actually be great for you.

but added sugars, processed sugars, corn syrup,especially high fructose corn syrup, these sugars are going to cause inflammation inyour body. they’re very stressful on your pancreas. they’re going to cause you to age faster. so our recommendation is get rid of the addedsugars and processed sugars and switch over to things like using fruit a little bit ofraw honey and things like that are better options. jordan:absolutely. in the future there’s legislation that’sgoing to change the nutritional or supplemental

facts panels on packaged foods to have addedsugars. dr. axe:love it. jordan:so the sugars that are natural, they’restill not always the best because you get a glass of orange juice and i want to saythere’s 32 grams of sugar. it’s still sugar but it is coupled withsome other good things. but the added sugar will be a welcome additionto the label. jordan:all right, so now we’re going tobe talking about vegetable oil. i think this is really challenging because,growing up, there was this great spokesperson who is a famous tv mom and said we shoulduse this one kind of oil every day.

vegetable oil, primarily corn, cottonseed,even sunflower and safflower is high in omega-6 fats and they can be damaged through cooking. so i really believe that when something says“vegetable oil” or it’s safflower or sunflower or cottonseed or corn or soy, youwant to avoid it. now, coconut oil theoretically is a vegetablealthough coconut is really a one seeded drupe. we should do an entire show on drupes. i mean, they’re just absolutely ignoredin our diet today. anyway, not all vegetable oils are bad. we think that red palm oil if it’s sustainablyharvested is good.

i use tiger nut oil and it actually had asmoke point of 460 degrees. dr. axe:that’s amazing. jordan:i didn’t know that. olive oil, olive is also a fruit. anyway, i’m mixing it up because now thereare no god vegetable oils apparently, but there are seed oils, sesame can be good. dr. axe:sure. jordan:peanut can be pretty good if it’sunrefined. avocado, which is also a fruit is great aswell, but the vegetable oils i mentioned,

avoid them especially if it says “hydrogenated”or “partially hydrogenated.” i think honestly, artificial sweeteners, transfats and, believe it or not, some of what the bible will call unclean or detestablefood—pork and shellfish—are some of the fastest agers out there. vegetable oil is real close. dr. axe:absolutely. jordan, i thought of the title of your newbook, “the drupe diet” so i’m pretty excited about that one. jordan:yes, but you always bring it up.

my other previous title, “don’t get sick,just die: live the life of a chicken” hasn’t even gotten started yet. so i’m a little behind. dr. axe:yeah, it’s a pretty good one, that’spretty good. all right shampoo and candles. now, here’s the thing jordan, so many ofthese things that we have in our house, and it’s not just shampoo it’s our deodorant,it’s our skin moisturizer, it’s those plug-ins or the . . . jordan:but they smell so good.

they do. i mean, i don’t remember to put candlesout but some candles and shampoo like when you use that junky shampoo, it smells good. what’s up with that? well, you know, these things were modeledafter essential oils. unfortunately, they are synthetic and they’rereally toxic to the body, so there are a lot of toxins, especially when you look in shampoosfor instance. we’re talking about parabens, sodium laurylsulfate, propylene glycol, a number of other just additives that have been shown to typicallyaffect two organs the most, and i’ll throw

a third in there, number one the liver andkidneys. we know that many of these toxins your liverhas to deal with, oftentimes your kidneys. but also a lot of the things that are airborne,jordan, that we smell can affect the brain as well. these are things that you typically want tostay away from. and here’s the thing, we’re not sayingall shampoo and candles. we’re saying the conventional kind, replacethem with essential oil-based and herbal or natural-based shampoos and candles instead. and here’s the big one, poor sleep.

i believe that sugar cravings, i believe thatmood, and i believe that skin and immune health are greatly affected by poor sleep and itisn’t just about the length of time you sleep, it’s when you sleep. jordan:in the old days there was no artificiallight, there was no television, people went to bed when it was dark, and our bodies weremeant for that. our circadian rhythms are balanced by thecycle of the rising and setting of the sun. bottom line folks, go to bed early. you know what really irritates me? so many children go to beds so late.

jordan:we do, despite what you might think,take our children to regular pediatrician visits. now, my kids don’t usually need to go tothe doctor, but when they do, it’s for a well visit and just to check things out. we actually had a doctor that spent a lotof time with the kids and he told them, “you need to be in bed at a certain time.” now, my kids go to bed early, either 8:00,8:30, or 9:00. i have teens and preteens. he said you need to even go to bed earlierthan that.

i remember when i was a kid i stayed up waytoo late, so more sleep is important. folks, if you are an adult, don’t have yourtv on in your room. don’t read articles online. this is what i’m guilty of, reading andsometimes i’ll fall asleep to the app or worship music but still, it’s stimulating. we’ve got to get more sleep and we’vegot to get to bed earlier. dr. axe:jordan, i’ll tell you right now,and you don’t have this as much with your, kids but you know the number of kids especiallyin high school who are on their cell phones in their bed . . .

jordan:middle of the night. dr. axe:. . . texting until 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. everynight. you want to talk about wearing our your adrenalglands, you want to talk about increasing acne for these kids and affecting their memoryand focus and concentration in school and making add and adhd worse? all of these issues are happening with kidsbecause of poor sleep. and i remember my dad, and i had a basketballcoach who we had to be in bed by 9:00 and he would literally call everyone’s house.

and this would happen all the time, everybodyknew but sometimes the kids will just pick up the phone because it was habit and thenwe would be suspended for the next game. jordan:nice! dr. axe:i know they don’t do that anymoreand that probably the coach would get fired or something for being too hard on kids butanyways, as you’re saying, getting more sleep really important. food sensitivities, this is another big onefor a lot of people. jordan, everybody may have their own kryptonite,per se, and i think that in certain regards, you know, some of the igg tests, this is somethingyou and i have talked about, i don’t take

it as scripture. a lot of times when we see this igg test,sometimes people come up with multiple food sensitivities and some of them i do believecould be true sensitivities. others might be maybe you eat that food alot, but i will say it’s good to really listen to your body, right? it’s good to know what you may or may notdo well with and within chinese medicine there are certain foods that affect the body indifferent ways. so at certain times of the season your bodymight be more or less sensitive to something than another time.

to give you an example of this, there’sa condition in chinese medicine called “dampness” that jordan and i both talked about a lot. and that’s typically, if you have a whitecoating on your tongue or you get really fatigued or you have, especially in issue like candida-related,they’ll call that “dampness” within chinese medicine. in that case, you want to stay away from mostlike milk products. you want to typically stay away from egg whites,wheat products, lots of sugar, lots of oils, those things are slightly more dampening whichactually as people age and these people who are very young they typically need more ofthose foods.

so there’s certain times of years, well,you may want to stay away from certain foods or get more of certain foods. but food sensitivities you can’t do an iggtest and there could potentially be something you’re reacting too but one of the bestways to do this is just so simply journal. if you eat something or you notice your noseis running a little bit, you get stuffed up, or your skin breaks out, just even gettingsome extra redness, those are all signs that you might be having a sensitivity. and there are eight common food allergensthat are responsible for 90% of true allergic reactions.

we know peanuts certainly but its eggs, it’sdairy, it’s wheat, its fish, and shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts and soy. i think that’s all eight. so those are responsible for 90% of allergicreactions. sometimes it’s good to just go off of those. jordan:there’s a lot of foods you can stilleat, right? i mean, in fact, there’s not even a singledrupe on the allergy list. dr. axe:no, there’s none. jordan:“the drupe diet” coming to a bookstorenear you, 2060.

dr. axe:all right here we go. jordan:these are good foods. jordan:yeah. these are the unexpected foods that keep yourselvesyoung. coconut oil. coconut oil is good for the thyroid. it’s good for the gut, it’s medium-chainfatty acids, are antifungal and antiviral. coconut oil is good topically, it’s goodorally. who would have thought, really, who wouldhave thought that saturated fats can make

you young? jordan:what a gyp. we’ve been gypped. imagine all the fat-free craze of the ’90s,losing all those precious days of life. eat more oil, coconut oil is good, olive oilis great too. these oils are really good to keep yourselvesyoung. dr. axe:jordan, something you mentioned herewith coconut oil, i’ve heard you mentioned before, is the importance of saturated fatand this would be really important, you know, we could put up another thing, backslash animalfats.

dr. axe:. . . on there as well, tallow, bonebroth oil or schmaltz, those types of things. these types of oils are more similar to ourown makeup, especially i want to mention this, especially for people as they age, get over60. one of the things i know some people haveissues with the sort of that drying skin and tallow or these animal fats are amazing foryour skin health, for hydration and internally to do as well along with coconut oil . . . jordan:you’ve given away all our secrets. dr. axe:i know, i know. jordan:here’s the thing, when you look back100 or 200 years ago, you’re going to find

some elements to our diet even here in america,certainly around the world, that are missing today and they’re all coming back. coconut oil was berated because soy and cornwere easier to grow. think about that it, a coconut tree, or coconutpalm is not as easy to grow as corn and soy. jordan:and can’t grow in as many placesin the us. you’ve been lied to. coconut oil and saturated fats are good notjust because they’re saturated, they contain certain fatty acids that are wonderful. now, mcts are one of the top sports nutritionsupplements.

they were 20 years ago. caprylic acid is used to fight candida, allfound in coconut oil. lauric acid is great too. speaking of bone broth oil, bone broth ispretty darn good too. dr. axe:there we go. we love bone broth for anti-aging. remember, collagen is sort of the glue thatkeeps your body together. when you’re younger, your body producesmore collagen on its own. it keeps your skin tight and firm and strong.

as you continue to age, you get less collagen,which we’ll talk about that in a minute you also get typically most people are deficientin other things in their diet such as proline, an amino acid that’s part of collagen, aswell as glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid. these are all found in bone broth. and they’re not just good for the jointsjordan, we know they’re good for the gut and incredible for the skin. they’re great at keeping you and your bodyyoung. so i would say, jordan, of all the thingswe’re going to talk about today from a dietary

perspective, this is the biggest thing we’remissing in our diet today is getting bone broth. again, if somebody will come up to me andsay, “dr. axe, what’s the number supplement i should take to help my body and supportmy body in the aging process and feeling younger?” i would say bone broth every single time. and so chicken broth is amazing, beef brothis amazing. this morning i did bone broth. in fact, i did a scoop of protein powder thatcomes from bone broth or a bone broth protein powder in a smoothie.

actually did a cinnamon apple flavor, it wasdelicious but that’s what i had this morning for breakfast. and again, it’s there to help keep my collagenand connective tissue really strong. jordan:and exercise, notice we say exerciseright. now, everybody likes what you see there, dumbbellpresses. let me reframe that. everybody loves to work out the muscles thatyou can see in the mirror, right? but the right kind of exercise is really,really important. now, we’ve talked about this before.

i’m not someone who’s done yoga, neverhave really done it. but i have learned certain techniques relatedto pilates and something called gyrotonic. you’ve talked about barre and other fitnessprograms that are great for the core which really extends from the hip flexors just belowthe chest. this is an area that’s really, really important. you can also do more functional training. we talked about walking. hiking is a great . . . climbing, those arereally great. my kids got into rock climbing, indoor rockclimbing walls.

what a great source of exercise. jordan:one of the best, and this has beenaround for a long time they called it rebounding or jumping on a mini trampoline. now, certainly, you can lift weights, youcan do curls, you can do bench presses, but when you hear about people getting a lot ofissues in their shoulders, their knees, from squatting, that can be challenging. but when you do the right kind of exerciselike a pilates, like a yoga, like a gyrotonic, barre, mini trampoline and there’s others,those are really, really good for you. dr. axe:yeah, jordan, in fact, i’ve heardsomebody termed it this one time.

they called it “adaptive exercise.” when you’re doing pilates with deep breathingand some of these other things, i mean really, we talked about adaptogenic herbs and theiranti-aging benefits, exercise can be anti-aging as well if it’s done the right way as we’retalking about. jordan:or it can be pro-aging if you do itthe wrong way. dr. axe:true. jordan:you will look good but you’re notas functional. all right, so we’re talking, you talkedabout this and alluded to it before. this is really amazing.

now, one thing people get confused on, theysay, well, when you eat collagen, it doesn’t immediately replace your collagen, it breaksdown into its amino acids. and guess what? that’s what we’ve been saying becausethe amino acids and collagen are pretty awesome and we’re deficient. vitamin d, important because we’re deficient,omega-3 because we’re deficient. we might be more deficient in these aminoacids than anything with today’s modern diet. dr. axe:wow, incredible.

so we’re talking about collagen somethingyou want to be getting in your diet. and again, i do this through a scoop of collagenpowder every single day. i love getting my collagen, a bone broth collagenevery single day. but again, collagen another thing you wantto get and again, part of my smoothie this morning, actually i did some oatmeal applesauce,cinnamon apple, bone broth protein, a scoop of collagen, and that’s what i did for breakfast. it was delicious, all right. jordan:pretty balanced. dr. axe:the right fats, jordan.

jordan:the right fats are so, so important. i was noticing, there’s one part of my elbowthat’s dry, and so i put moisturizer on it, just one part, my right elbow. i don’t have any skin conditions but i actuallythought that i’m fat deficient, and i eat a lot of fat. i mean, i eat a lot of fat. there are so many conditions, some peoplefeel dehydrated. i once heard the term “delipidated” becausefats are lipids. if there’s one thing i could tell you todo to keep yourselves young is eat a balance

of fats. avocado is there which are monounsaturated. olives are another good source, macadamianuts. then we’ve got omega-3s from fatty fish. you can also get them from seeds such as flax,chia, hemp, and pumpkin, and from animal sources, pasture raised red meats, and eggs and dairy. there are actually some trans fats that aregood for you. cla is a trans fat. dr. axe:oh right, that’s right.

jordan:cla is a great fat and saturated fatsfrom meat, from coconut, from palm, even olive oil has saturated fats in it, and even omega-6ssuch as borage and evening primrose oil. get an abundance of fats. folks, here’s what’s really cool. the paleo diet, the keto diet, these are alldriving up—even the mediterranean diet—the importance of fats. we’re finally here. again suffering through the fat-free daysof the ’90s, i was into fitness back then in college.

i would track my fat to see how little i couldconsume. and a year later i was in the hospital dyingfrom crohn’s disease. i’m not saying it’s exactly correlatedbut, man, i bought the lie headlong. fat doesn’t make you fat. i wish it wasn’t called “fat.” jordan:really, because i’m going to eatmore because i’ve got my elbow thing. good stuff. test for food sensitivities. we’ve talked about this.

you can do an igg test to see if you do haveany specific food sensitivities. but as jordan mentioned earlier, those eightfood are the ones people are most allergic too and you could simply google search thatonline, eight most common food sensitivities. or i’ve written an articles on this, ifyou just look up “dr. axe food sensitivities”, i’ve got some great articles on those exactfoods as well. next here, essential oils. jordan:essential oils are amazing. so we have been working on some skin careproducts in development, and you know what i did this morning?

i took some samples, then i dumped like awhole lot of frankincense on there, i went like this, put it on my whole face. essential oils that you breathe through olfaction,that you put on your body and that you put in your body are extremely anti-aging. think about anti-aging, anti-oxidants areprobably the most important compounds to help you reverse aging. essential oils are loaded with antioxidantsan anti-inflammatory compounds. they’re just absolutely amazing. i’m scurrying around the house constantlyto make sure all my diffusers are full.

i love it. it’s just, i don’t know what i would dowithout essential oils. in fact, we wrote a great book called “essentialoils: ancient medicine” i had an old friend that i saw when i was in florida yesterdayand i gave her three copies. i’m pretty excited. this is the daughter of the pastor of thechurch where i met my wife, was married. she was so excited because she, like mostpeople, love essential oils but don’t know how to use them. so if you’re interested, check out “essentialoils: ancient medicine.”

it’ll teach you how to use oils in waysyou never thought possible. it is the best book out there, in my opinion,on essential oils. you can check it out. just go to amazon and look up “essentialoils: ancient medicine” or my website, “essential oils ancient medicine.” i think you’ll love that book, they’reon the store. jordan, anti-inflammatory foods, this is abig one. remember, inflammation is what causes a lotof disease today, whether it’s heart disease or ulcerative colitis or arthritis.

a lot of these things are connected with inflammationand so some of the most anti-inflammatory foods are going to be specific types of fruits,vegetables, herbs are number one, and then along with those herbs and spices also isgoing to be omega-3 fats. so get more omega-3 fats in your diet likewild-caught salmon would be high on that list and other fatty fish. i’d also put under the fruit category fruitshigh in proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain, papaya, kiwi, and figs. certain herbs, ginger and turmeric are twoof the best anti-inflammatories. in fact, cayenne and rosemary also are somefantastic herbs and spices to use.

and then lots of vegetables, especially thosegreen leafies are great as well. and this is a big one, meditate/pray. i really believe that you can keep yourselvesyoung by centering yourself, focusing on what you want. i personally, and this is some good advice,i say psalm 91 everyday. i memorized it years ago. the person who taught me how to eat the biblicalway, had his kids every morning repeat psalm 91. now my kids do it for their home school.

psalm 91 is amazing because it is known asgod’s protection psalm. you can pray the lord’s prayer. psalm 23 is another great one. “he makes us lie in green pastures.” and just don’t pray it, this is a littlesecret, we’ve got to do a show on this. when i say psalm 91, i picture myself doingthe things like treading upon the lion and the cobra like i’m slamming the lion andstepping, i mean, it’s really cool stuff like adventure stuff since i don’t get todo that sort of thing anymore. but truthfully, meditate on what you want.

the bible says david meditated on the wordof god day and night and that guy had some serious challenges to overcome and some seriousresponsibilities, fought some giants, if you know what i mean. meditation and prayer can help keep you young. dr. axe:and then probiotics. probiotics are key to life. we actually are determining and scientistsbelieve now that what makes up your microbiome is really an organ of itself in your own gutand digestive tract. so we need more probiotics to support nutrientabsorption.

we know we need certain nutrients to helpwith cellular activities and functions and to really slow that aging process down. so again, probiotics are a key nutrient thatwe are not getting enough of on a daily basis. so again, probiotic foods such as natto andkimchi are great, sauerkraut, fermented goats milk, kefir, lots and lots of probiotics. fermented herbs, probably the most beneficialthing you could consume on a daily basis. jordan:and there’s a couple of things wedidn’t mention. medicinal mushrooms are absolutely amazingfor anti-aging and you talked about herbs, ashwagandha, rhodiola, ginseng, eleuthero,adaptogenic herbs are powerful.

there’s so much more. if you want to learn more information, definitelycheckout our website so here’s a wrap-up from ancient medicinetoday. these are the eight unexpected things thatare aging you faster. then we’ll let josh talk about the powerfulfoods and substances to help reverse the aging process. so we’ve got watching tv, do less of it. that includes smartphone, that includes huluand netflix and all of that other stuff. chronic sitting, make sure to stand, reversethe sitting position, open up the rib cage,

stand up more, sit on a swiss or medicineball. not enough exercise, not exercising enoughcan cause you to age faster. cut out added sugar and cut out sugar in general. we’ve got to curb ourselves of that sweettaste. vegetable oils, particularly sunflower, safflower,cottonseed, canola, soy, and corn, cut them out. shampoos and candles, they may smell goodbut what you’re smelling could be killing get more sleep and avoid food sensitivities. next thing you’re going to see here, hereare things you want to get in your body to

stay young, coconut oil. we talked about the medium-chained fats. they’re bone broth loaded with collagenand proline and hyaluronic acid. exercise the right way. we talked about doing things like pilatesand barre and yoga and also doing burst training. collagen, get the right fats in your dietthat we talked about on a daily basis, avocados are great. use essential oils as part of your skin careroutine. frankincense, geranium, lavender, are someof the best.

consume more anti-inflammatory foods. meditate and pray daily. and then consume some probiotics. if you can do these things it’s going tohelp you feel younger, it’s going to help you look younger and it’s really going to,for most of you, just transform your life on a daily basis. i know when i feel good, i get more done,i have more joy in life, so these are some things we hope that you will harness and embracetoday. jordan:and remember what ricardo used to sayon saturday night live, “it is better to

look good than to feel good. you look marvelous.” see, i’m trying to bring people back whoare older if you want to do that.

fight aging

dr. axe:that’s good. jordan:a little billy crystal there. dr. axe:all right, so guys, don’t forgetto subscribe here if you’re not subscribed thanks for watching.

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