anti aging center

emmett: welcome to public affairs access hereat and i'm the guy that's goingto be your host for today. i'm emmett abati doe. i've done some thingshere at hms media source that has primarily has been on theradio side. this time is my first outage out of doing it on thetelevision side and i

anti aging center, was given an opportunity to host this eveningsprogram, which is a weekly one, and you've got me this time. i was asked what was an important subjectof community and public interest that would fit in this particularslot. i

determined something that i have been workingon is that we need to understand and begin to move towards stopgiving old age a bad name. start taking care of your healthnow. that's the name of the program for today,"stop giving old age a bad name: take care of your health now". ithink the most important thing, probably to rephrase thatstop giving old age a bad name, learn to take care of your healthnow, so that you can enjoy good health in old, old age, which isa blessing. one of the things that prompted me to evenlook at launching

this particular subject, is the portrayalof older people and old age in our society. most people, or i would say, unfortunately,very few people know older people that are in good health and olderpeople that are not marking time when their medications areor when they have to go to the doctor, and their social calendarseems to be going to funerals and doctor's appointments. i invited someone i have a great deal of respectfor and a man who is very, very eminently qualified to participatein this

conversation on stop giving old age a badname: take care of your health now. that's dr. edward group.dr. group, welcome. it's an honor to have you here. dr. group: it's always an honor to be on yourshow. it's on honor to be here, too, especiallyon public access, just because tonight's episode, especially, isso important. there is so many people out there suffering frompoor health. i mean, we have a disease care system instead of ahealth care system. in my practice, i have people coming in thatare in their

thirties that were ceo's of companies, forties,and we're talking about old age, but these are guysthat have enough money to retire and saved enough money to retireand they come in and say, "i want to enjoy my old age. i want toenjoy my retirement. i want to be healthy." yet, they have all the money in the worldand they are sick, they are on four or five or six medications,their joints hurt, they have chronic headaches. they are comingto me saying, "what do i need to do? i thought it was going tobe opposite. i

thought i was going to have the money andjust be able to do whatever i wanted to do." that's a very commonthing now. you have people that are getting up into theirforties, their 50s, their 60s, or 70s, by the time someoneis 70 years old, they're on an average of 10 to 15 medications.medications are not addressing the root cause of the problem,they're just covering up the symptoms. thanks for havingme on. emmett: fantastic. now, what i want to dois i want to let you know, as you can see, is qualified to talk about this because

he's a young,handsome guy. i want you to know a little bit more about me andwhy i can be running my mouth. we're just going to play a three minute clipfor you and then we'll be back and then we want to invite youto join us here at public affairs at hms. [video clip: i'm emmett abati doe, houstontexas nov. 29, 2013. emmett: last night was extraordinary, in thatprobably around 500 people gathered in thecold to participate in crritical mass. critical mass normallygathers anywhere anywhere between five hundred

and two thousandor plus people. it was kind of chilly last night. i'm emmett abati doe. old age is a blessingand the way to get to that blessing is by taking care of yourhealth now by understanding and practicing supplementation.minerals, colloidal minerals, vitamins, good vitamins,hydration, good water, rest, and exercise are all criticallyimportant to the end result of having good health in old ageand allowing old age be a blessing to you.

this is the energy where critical mass begins.i'm emmett abati doe. across from this sign is where criticalmass begins. start having fun outdoors on your bike. get a bike.ride your bike. learn how to ride a bike if you've forgottenor you never knew. a couple of things that are very importantto know about. one, is an organization called tour the hood thati ride with every wednesday and that is 2305 wheeler avenue. at seven o'clock we all get together and wego riding. if you don't have a bike, that's ok, bikes are provided.the most

important thing is to get you getting involvedwith having fun outdoors and on a bike. stop giving old age a bad name. take careof your health now. the way you do it is to become active. theway you do it is to supplement. the way to do it is to understandthat you cannot eat good nutrition. ] emmett: welcome back. okay, so that's my claimto fame, folks. we did 20 milesthat night and people have been talking about critical mass, iunderstand. critical mass is something that

everyone should bein support of, whether you participate or not. if people are out there doing something physicaland are doing something together, they are doing thingsin community, and people who don't even know each other cometogether with an activity. don't let these people give critical massa bad name. come on down, watch it, understand what we are doing,and don't be hating on us because maybe you can't do come on down and

you can practice and get in shape. pay attentionto what we are going to be sharing with you today and youwill be able to participate in, if not in the next criticalmass, but in critical mass sometime in the very, very nearfuture. welcome back to public affairs public accessis the name of this game, okay. public affairs public access,and i'm going to get it right boys and girls, trust me. again,my guest is dr. edward f. group. again, welcome doc and we want to talk about,i don't know if

the camera can pick up these items that arehere on the table, but i want to talk about these very briefly. doc, feel free to comment on them as wellbecause if we are talking about having good health, if we'retalking about enjoying old age, we have to understand theimportance of what we are doing to our children. what's beingdone. what we are doing to our children and what others aredoing to our children and stop it. and stop it. bringing ourselves up in consciousness tounderstand that

there's nothing innocent going on. now, theselook very innocent. unfortunately, they are displayedin almost every store, every grocery store, convenient store. what i want to tell you, in my opinion, ispoison. to an infant, this stuff is poison. now, you may not beable to see it and i don't know whether you can get a close-upon these products, please. okay, but these are very typical of the productsthat are being marketed to our mothers, and marketing tocaregivers, etcetera,

who do not understand, who have not educatedthemselves as to why this label should cause you to run inthe other direction and the last thing you want to do is to giveyour baby this distilled water in the formula laced withfluoride. i mean, this is nothing but poison which isgoing to result in those babies having soft bones and all kindsof issues in very, very early. they are not going to make it,folks. they are not going to make it. this is not by accident.this is not by accident. i would like to have dr. group expresshimself on

this, if he would like, and also why maybewhat i'm saying isn't as farfetched and radical as it might sound. then, after his comment, i'm going to inviteyou to call and participate with us here on public affairs,public access. yes. the phone number is 713-807-1794. ok, 713-807-1794.i'm reading it across the room without glasses on, soit better be 807-1794. doc, is it an overstatement to say that aperson who gives their child or who their responsible for caringthese products, similar products like this, are participatingin some very bad

behavior in the interest of their child orbaby? dr. group: absolutely. what's happened iswe live in a toxic environment. we are beingexposed to toxic chemicals in the air that we breathe every day,in the water that we drink every day, in the vegetables, thefoods, the processed foods, the genetically modified foods. we have a completely toxic world and someof the most toxic chemicals, such as that, is fluoride. fluorideis only second to arsenic for toxicity levels. you have to lookat the big picture

about how these chemicals work in the bodyand how they destroy the immune system, how they alter the hormonelevels. fluoride, especially, which was used in thenazi and german concentration camps to actually dumb peopledown, make them non- motivated, make them non-aggressive. also, fluoride calcifies on your pineal gland,which completely alters your hormone levels and for a smallchild that is very important because a child needs its immunesystem. the plan is really to keep people sick fora long period of time

and the only way you can keep people sickis to feed them full of chemicals and to feed them full of toxins,so that way they are always relying on the doctor, they arealways going in for medication, or they are always having somesort of problem inside their system. that's what led me to the research of whatis the root cause of all these health problems. whether you havepsoriasis, whether you have hair falling out, or arthritis, ordiabetes. it doesn't matter.

i've traced everything back and just likeyou did, anyone who spends the time and effort to just get outof that box. do not believe every single thing you hear. get outof the box. open up your mind. that's the real solution is forpeople to educate themselves and to open up their mind. don'tbelieve us when we say fluoride is bad for you. go online, typeit in. you'll see. don't believe us when we say vaccinesare bad for you. go online and type it in. you'll seewhat vaccines are made of. that's how i found out, because i wantedto go to medical

school and be a medical doctor and i was challengedand got into an argument one day with a guy that was treatingcancer naturally. he told me, "look, go show me how any pharmaceuticalis going to do good in the body." i went and looked andbroke down the pharmaceutical ingredients and found out thatthey do not fix the problem. all they do is cover the symptomsof the problem. i'm not talking about antibiotics, there'sthings like that, which is a whole another problem. i'm talkingabout all the

pharmaceuticals for the majority of diseasesthat are actually made up anyway by the pharmaceutical companiesso they can make money. it's a revolving door because people are givingmoney to all the cancer associations, the diabetes foundations,and all these organizations. all that money you are giving,thinking that you are actually giving money for them to finda cure, is going back into the system to cause more disease so theycan develop more prescription medications and keep you medicated.

you're actually paying them to create a poisonthat is going to poison somebody else in their life and theyare shortening their lifespan, and they are keeping you on multiplemedications forever. i pulled the vaccine report when i was a kidand i had six vaccines from the time i was born from thetime i was twelve. six vaccines. now, children are getting 36vaccines in the first year of life. the immune system is not evenfully developed until a child is 12-years-old.

how can you expect that child to deal withall that toxic build- up and that mercury in those vaccines andthe rna and the dna fragments from chicken embryos and all theother stuff that is contained in those, and formaldehyde and propyleneglycol, and all these chemicals when a baby is just comingout and should be healthy and should be clean. emmett: we have a caller. caller? do you havea question for dr. group or a comment?[pause] okay, well, did we hear something? no, not yet? okay,well while they are taking care of whatever

is technically goingon, i'd like to say that one of the tragedies is when you try toget people to understand the importance of breastfeeding andwhen you suggest to a woman that she should be breastfeedingit's almost like you want to start a fight. she seems to be more concerned about the shapeof her breast than about what nature put the breast thereto do. now, for those who don't know what titties are for,could you give them a quick introduction into why nature made tittiesand what they are for?

dr. group: it's to feed the baby, obviously. emmett: it isn't so obvious anymore. i mean,it's to look good in a bikini. dr. group: even ten years ago, when you sawa mother breastfeeding in public it was taboo.and now, at least it's a little more accepted for a mother tobreastfeed. i'm a big promoter because that's how the child getstheir immune system is from the mother's colostrum, from themother's milk. when you take a soy-based infant formula andyou add fluorinated

water to that so-based infant formula, whichis full of chemicals, and the soy is full of fitoestrogenos,which increase the baby's estrogen levels. if that baby isa boy and you are putting estrogen levels in there, it is goingto feminize that young boy. oddly enough, all of the welfare programsout there only allow you to buy the poisonous baby formulas, theones that are actually going to poison and ruin your baby.breastfeeding is... you just have to look at the simplicity inthings.

all the marketing, all the advertising outthere that tries to get you to buy this and tries to get you tobuy that. that's all unnatural, that's all chemicals, all toxicthat is going into your system. emmett: as soon as we get the caller setup,just bring the caller right in and have themintroduce themselves and ask the question of dr. group or sharetheir comment. ok, so i don't want to interrupt dr. group, butat the same time, if there is a call bring them on in. bringthem down. come on down.

samuel: hello, can you hear me? emmett: i can hear you now. samuel: great. this is samuel calling outof houston. thank you so very muchfor this wonderful talk and discussion on health. what a greatand stimulating program. my question regards ibuprofen and anti-inflammatories. i have a two-part question, unrelated. one question, regarding ibuprofen and anti-inflammatories,it appears that a lot of folks, elderly and youngalike, are

popping these pills like they are candy forheadaches and arthritis i want to be clear why is that abad idea to take a couple of ibuprofens and what are some healthyalternatives to that, so that's one question. then the last question is regarding schoolsand how poisonous schools are from the curriculum to the foodbut, i want to just focus on the food there's a lot of folks thatsimply can't afford, they claim they can't afford to packlunches for their children.

i'm really speaking to those that have affordablelunches or are on government programs where lunch is providedto the children. what alternatives or advice would you giveto moms and dads that are looking for healthy foods for their childrento take with them to school? i'll hang up and listen, andthank you. emmett: thank you very much sam, good question. dr. group: to address the first issue, i mean,ibuprofen all of the pain medications out thereare completely toxic they end up causing stomach ulcers whichsends you in for more medications, more medications

for yourstomach ulcers. but the reason why people take those is becausethey are not listening to their body and they are not addressingthe root cause of the problem. when you get a headacheit means you have toxicity. when your joints hurt, whatever pain and inflammationyou have the inflammation is caused and the pain iscaused, and the pain is caused by some sort of toxic compound thathas come into your system.

the natural solution to that is to start cleansingyour body. the cleaner your body is, see everybody hasa self-healing mechanism. we all have the ability to healourselves. we have the ability to control pain. we have the abilityto control inflammation in our system. but, when our body is so suppressed, and whenour body is so full of toxic build-up and toxic residue fromthe artificial sweeteners that you are consuming, the preservatives,the microwave foods, the parasites in your body,the air that you're

breathing, all the voc's, the volatile organiccompounds that you're breathing in the cleaning products,and the lists goes on and on and on. if you're taking in a million chemicals ona daily basis, but you're only able to get rid of five hundredthousand chemicals on a daily basis, because the body has naturalways to eliminate these toxins, through sweating, respiration,through urination, through defecation, and then through menseswith women. but, how many people do you know that aredefecating twice a

day, have proper urinary patterns? that areexercising and sweating and actually breathing at a normalpace? not too many people. we are on toxic overload and whathappens is your joints start to hurt. there's chemicals that actually cause thattype of pain, titanium dioxide is one of them. it givesyou the symptoms of muscle aches and headaches and pain. everybodyis sensitive to multiple things. msg, artificial sweeteners,neurotoxins, mercury, aluminum in deodorant, heavy metalsthat you are expose

to, breathing in the chemicals from your dry-cleaning,from your dryer sheets. i mean, it just depends on what chemicalsyou are sensitive to. instead of taking those artificial pain pills,what you really need to be doing is looking at your environment. you need to be looking at what you're eating.what you're exposing yourself to on a daily basis andstart eliminating some of those things from your environment. whati use for natural replacements for headaches or for inflammationis enzymes.

enzymes work really good to digestive andsystemic enzyme products and those are supplements that youcan find at a supplement store. then, i also recommend whatworks the best for pain that we have tested is an oregano oil.i mean, oregano oil is something that is extremely effective. white willow bark is also something else.oregano oil works really good for pain and inflammation if youtake at the dose of like fifteen drops, three times a day withfood. make sure that they put that inside of a capsule becauseoregano oil is very

strong. emmett: okay, again the number to call is713-807-1794. you'll be able to talk to and share your comment and observation here on publicaffair public access tv. the other part of sam's question was how canpoor mommas, poor folks, people who don't have a lot of disposableincome, how can they move toward providing better nutritionfor their children, as they are being systematically limited andfunneled into this sickness channel through so-called welfareprograms.

i mean, the most important thing is to getoff of welfare. that is the most important thing. if you get ahold of me, i can tell you how to get that done. dr. group: the thing is designed for themto rely on the system because they are easilycontrolled that way. the easiest way to get out of that is tojust go to farmer's markets and budget the amount of money youhave to spend. i mean, you can't obviously use your welfare,which is a crazy thing, to buy healthy, organic food. you wouldthink that you

would be able to use your welfare stuff todo that. some stores are actually going to more organic. i mean,it used to just be some major stores, but now pretty much youcan find organic foods in many stores. the best thing to do is to get some seedsand start your own garden if you have a house or you have littlepiece of land somewhere that you can find. start your owngarden. the easiest and most inexpensive way to get nutritionin your system is if you don't have a lot of money, raw organicapple cider vinegar.

you can buy a sixteen ounce bottle for $3.00and you mix that in with your water. now, that's a whole otherissue because you are drinking tap water and that is obviously goingto be contaminated with arsenic, prescription drugresidue, estrogens, all kinds of chemicals, cadmium, lead, etcetera. the next issue is, 'how do i get clean water?'well, the only thing i can say for somebody that doesn'thave access to clean water is to get rain water. rain water, ifyou can collect it, save your money and get a barrel or somethinglike that, just

let it rain for the first ten or fifteen minutes. even seven minutes, they say after about sevenminutes all the chemicals that were in the air have gone downand you can put buckets and collect your own rain water. imean, it might sound tedious. emmett: it's worth it. dr. group: but, it's worth it. i mean, youare talking about your child's health and fruit andvegetables, believe it or not, there is actually a lot of fruittrees and a lot of ways to get vegetables

for a good discountedrate here. emmett: we have a caller, then i want to askyou a question about are we eating toomuch? are we eating too frequently? by eating too frequently,that really puts a burden on a limited budget. should we be moreconcerned about the quality of each meal as opposed to thequantity of the number of meals. does that make any sense? dr. group: yes. emmett: okay, very good. caller?

joaquin: yes, this is joaquin [sp] callingfrom houston, texas. i want to say great solidshow gentlemen and looking forward to many more. i had a coupleof questions, also. one being, i've been having concerns aboutthe amalgam fillings that have been practiced for so long withregards to when you have a cavity or something, the dentistshave been putting in these fillings. i heard you guys mention that mercury is atoxicity. what should people that have amalgam fillings in theirmouths do about that? i mean, is there a danger with that?

we don't hear a lot about it and i've actuallytalked to dentists and most of them say, "oh, it's nota problem and it won't cause any health problems or anything."but, i've been told also that gold or silver will also bebetter fillings. that's question number one. then, i can goto the next one after i get the facts. dr. group: let me tell you, mercury is oneof the most toxic elements that you canpossibly imagine. to put it in the mouth is ludicrous. i mean,that is another way that they can keep you

chronically illbecause you inhale, when you drink anything hot like a hot teaor a hot coffee or anything, you are going to release mercuryvapors. there is actually videos of that online. ifyou type in mercury vapor from tooth in google and you will actuallysee that. i recommend removing your mercury amalgams. now, the only problem with that is it's expensive.but then, can you put a price tag on your health? you haveto go to a biological dentist, though, because if youdon't remove the

mercury the right way, you have to have adental dam in there, you have to be running some ozone, you haveto be, some dentists use vitamin c drips, iv drips. there have been cases where people have goneto dentists to remove the amalgams and gotten so poisonedby the mercury that they were actually paralyzed from the waistdown. they have severe paralysis and severe symptoms and permanentdamage. a lot of times people go to mexico, they goto different countries to have these amalgams removed.i would recommend

finding a biological dentist, a good one,that does remove the mercury amalgams. it is one of the best things. i had like four or five teeth that had mercuryamalgams and i was suffering from headaches for years andyears. i had health problems. it's hard for your immune systemto ever come back if you have mercury in your mouth. that's one of the main things that we wouldtell people to do that were sick is get your mercury amalgamsremoved. if you need to, sell your car or do whatever you needto do. i mean, really

you can't enjoy life and you can't take advantageof life and health, especially since we are talking aboutgetting old. i mean, your body does get old eventually.if you want to enjoy life and not be so dependent on the doctorsall the time, then you need to start taking those steps to getthose things replaced. emmett: your second question, joaquin, areyou still on the air? joaquin: yes, i am still here. thank you verymuch for that answer. i have been veryconcerned about them for quite some time and

i will take sometime and i will do my very best to try to get that resolved. my second question had to do with the currentsituation of what is going on with the nuclear situation injapan. i have a lot of relatives that are in california on the westcoast. i'm concerned about what's happening, that weare not getting all the information about that. i'm wondering what are your thoughts and feelingsabout the fallout that is coming from the actual disasterfrom with

fukushima's [inaudible 32:43] out there. emmett: thank you very much for that call.all right, that's the big one. dr. group: let me to tell you, that is a hugeissue right now. the media has not beenreporting on it at all and the reason why is they don't wanteveryone to freak out. we have had massive amounts of radiation dumpedon the west coast, california. as a matter of fact, garbagetrucks that pick up garbage all throughout california haveto go through a

radioactive scanner just to make sure nobodyis throwing away any radioactive materials, so that it doesn'tgo into the landfill. the trucks and the radiation detectors aregoing haywire right now. they are even tracing it back to babies'diapers. that means the babies are consuming radiation. we have a major wave. fukushima, they areremoving the fuel rods right now and fukushima has a constant cloudor steam of radiation coming out. the main wave of theradiation hit the

west coast, and is hitting the west coastright now. we're getting reports of birth defects, infertility,thyroid problems, because you have high levels ofcesium 137, you have uranium, you have radioactive iodine. one of the best things people can do is starttaking and cleaning their bodies right now and protectingthemselves. it's a great point caller because these are thingsthat everybody needs to know. you are not going to find outthis information on the news.

there is no way they are going to scare halfthe world and say, hey we have a nuclear disaster and peopleare dying and people are going to die and people are coming downwith cancer all around california, oregon, washington. stufflike that. they are not going to tell you that all the plants,the soil is contaminated. but, it is. you are going to start hearing more and moreabout that on a regular basis. there are some radiation programsavailable. go online and look for natural radiation definitely

want to protect your kids. your kids and olderpeople are more susceptible to radiation damage. their immune systems aren't working as good.their organs are not working as good. they are going to comeup with more diseases. if your hair is falling out, thereis a whole list of symptoms that goes along with radiation poisoning. i would suggest people go online and starteducating themselves and type in fukushima dangers, radiation fromfukushima. there is a lot of youtube videos. there is peopleon youtube right now

that are taking geiger counter readings onthe west coast and all though out oregon and washington prettymuch on a daily basis. you can literally see for yourself what isgoing on, but you are not going to find it in major tv, you arenot going to find it in newspapers, in magazines. you are goingto have to find it online. emmett: we have another epidemic that we areconfronted with as a society. in myopinion, it can be translated into the phrase

the feminizationof masculinity. the feminization of our boys, how that isconnected to the estrogen.

anti aging center

how that is connected with the systematicintent to weaken potential advisories to the program, to thesystem. they have so villainized aggression that everybody has,not everybody, but a lot of people have been programmed.

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