fight against aging

10 benefits of grapefruit for your health grapefruits can be good for your healthand prevent disease. they are full of vitamin c and a powerful antioxidant. it has also vitamin a, potassium, folate,thiamine, vitamin b6, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and some phytonutrientsand flavonoids.

fight against aging, here are 10 benefits of grapefruit foryour health. 1. it helps to lose weight grapefruits are good for those who want to loseweight because it is rich in vitamin c, fiber and

water. vitamin c will help the metabolism workand properly control the breakdown of fats helping to burn fat. 2. stabilizes blood sugar grapefruit has a low glycemic index and does notit causes blood sugar to increase immediately after being ingested. 3. protects against cancer

can help reduce the risk of cancerstomach, colon, bladder, breast and esophagus. 4. reduces the risk of kidney stones drinking grapefruit juice every day helpreduce the risk of kidney stones. because grapefruit has both citric acidwhich can stop the formation of stones and even break even small stones already formed. 5. protects heart health grapefruits are good for heart healthbecause they are full of vitamin c.

rich in potassium which acts as a vasodilator,which helps the blood vessels and arteries to relax. this lowers blood pressure and reducesheart attack and stroke risks. 6. lowers bad cholesterol grapefruit is flavonoids, which increases cholesterolgood hdl and lowers cholesterol and triglycerides lowldl density. 7. boosts immunity

grapefruit can help in increasing the immunityand reduce infection and flu problems. 8. improves skin health vitamin c is also good for the skin asit is required for the production of collagen. furthermore antioxidants combat agingcaused by harmful free radicals. 9. fighting gingivitis to have as much vitamin c, grapefruit aregreat to fight gingivitis. studies show that those who consume whole grapefruitday, decreases bleeding in cases of gingivitis.

10. clean the liver to contain glutathione, a strong antioxidant,grapefruit helps cleanse the liver eliminating the toxins. note: it is important to note that the grapefruit,can interact with drugs and result problems. it can happen to commonly used drugs,as cholesterol lowering, pressure treat or cancer.

fight against aging

always check with a doctor or pharmacist,on these interactions.

always read the label of your remedies foravoid complications .... enjoy this video? if you like the video, short, signthe channel and share with your friends.

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